Nativity HymnsCoptic Rite


The following are four hymns chanted by the chanters of St. George and St. Rueiss Orthodox Church (Coptic Rite). These four hymns [(E-Parthenos (Greek); E-Geneses Sokhrista (Greek); Pi-Jen-Misi (Coptic); Apenshois (Coptic)] are chanted for the feast of the nativity. The first two are chanted in Greek and the last two are chanted in Coptic. • The chanters of St. George and St. Rueiss Orthodox Church (Coptic) are chanting. Thank you to Michael Adel for the recording. • The following lyrics follow the order of the hymns being chanted: • E-Parthenos (Greek): (hymn begins at 10 second mark and concludes at the 2:12 minute mark) • Today, the virgin bears Him who is transcendent, and the earth presents the cave to Him who is beyond reach. Angels, along with shepherds glorify Him. The Magi make their way to Him by a star. For a new child has been born for us, the God before all ages. • Greek English: • E-parthenos see-meron ton e-perro-seyon tektee, ke ee-gee-to espe-leon to a-pro-seeto epro-sagi angeli meta pi-menon zoxo-loghosi, magi ze meta asteros ozi poro-see deemas ghar e-genee-thee peze-on neon o epro enon theos. • E-Geneses Sokhrista (Greek): (hymn begins at 2:13 minute mark and concludes at the 3:33 minute mark) • Your birth O Christ our God rises upon the world and makes the light of wisdom to shine over all the earth. Those who bowed in adoration before the stars have by a start been lead to worship you. You are the son of righteousness and they bowed before you. you are known as the don rising from on high. Glory to you O Lord. • Pi-Jen-Misi (Coptic): (hymn begins at 3:34 minute mark and concludes at the 4:23 minute mark) • The virginal birth and spiritual contractions, are marvelous wonders according to the prophetic sayings. • Coptic English: • Pijen-misi emparse-nikon owoh ni-nak-he, emep-nevma-tikon o eshfe-ree empara-zoxon kata ni esmee emep-rofee-teekon. • Apenshois (Coptic): (hymn begins at 4:24 minute mark and concludes the video) • My Lord Jesus Christ, was born of the Virgin, in Bethlehem of Judea, according to the prophetic sayings. • The Cherubim and the Seraphim, the angels and the archangels, the principalities and the authorities, the thrones and the powers. • Proclaiming and saying, Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and goodwill toward men. • Coptic English: • Apen-shois Esos Pi-ekhrestos fee-etas masf enje ti-parthe-nos, khen Veth-leem ente ti-Iouze-a, kata ni-esmee emip-ro-phi-tikon. • Ni-She-robim nem ni-Seraphim, ni-angelos nem ni-arshi-angelos, ni-sete-rateia nem ni-e-exso-seia, ni-eth-ronos ni-met chois ni-gom. • Evhos evol evgo emmos je oo-o-oo Emif-nouti khenni-etit-shoisee, nem oo-heri-ni hejen pi-kahee, nem oo-ti-mati khenni-roumi.


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