Vassula Rydén Closing Speech from the 13th Ecumenical Pilgrimage in Cairo Egypt 2023


Cairo, Egypt, September 27, 2023 • Mrs. Vassula Rydén gives her talk to close the 13th Ecumenical Pilgrimage of True Life in God in Egypt. • Vassula Rydén beautifully delves into several profound themes that resonate with the warmth of spirituality. She passionately explores the joy of worshiping and serving God, underlining the significance of compassion and charity. Rydén eloquently shares insights on the concept of the Day of the Lord, weaving a narrative that emphasizes the value of openness and boldness in adhering to God's command while fostering unity within the Church. • With a heartwarming tone, she highlights the universal call for living a life in service to God and others, encouraging everyone to be shining examples of compassion, tolerance, and charity. Vassula tenderly reminds us of our Royal descent, urging us to recognize that our Creator and Father reigns as the King of kings. • In her talk, she compassionately addresses the pitfalls of Apostasy and stresses the redemptive power of repentance, guiding us toward a period of peace. She poignantly conveys the inevitability of everything being laid bare before the eyes of the Almighty God on the Day of Judgment. • Closing with a touch of love and forgiveness, Vassula says, • Therefore, all of us have not only an important role to accomplish in maintaining peace and unity, but an obligation. I sincerely hope that the day will come that through our efforts and sacrifices, God will grant us the peace, that is so desired by all of us. • And I’ll complete by asking you to allow God to hide you in His Heart and embrace you, for you are His own beloved child, His treasure, for He has your name engraved on His Heart. • ❤️ True Life in God Website • ❤️ Read the Messages Online • ❤️ Order a book • Watch also the Highlights of the 13th True life in God Ecumenical Pilgrimage in Egypt, September 2023 •    • Highlights of the 13th True life in G...   • Vassula Rydén, Welcome Speech, Egypt, Cairo, September 23, 2023 •    • Vassula Rydén, Welcome Speech from th...  


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