St Junipero Serra Novena Day 9 Patron of Vocations


#StJuniperoSerra #PatronOfVocations #PatronOfCalifornia • FEAST DAY: July 1 • 9TH DAY NOVENA: June 30 • PATRONAGE: Vocations, Hispanic Americans, California • Meditation • Saint Junipero Serra, you served God with humble confidence on earth, and because whoever humbles himself shall be exalted (Matthew 23:12), you now enjoy His beatific vision. We thank God for raising you to the rank of Blessed so that more people will draw near and imitate you, seek your powerful help and in doing so humble themselves, that they may one day be exalted with you in eternal glory. • • Prayer For a Holy Death • O Lord and savior, support me in my last hour by the strong arm of Your sacraments, and the fragrance of Your consolations. Let Your absolving words be said over me, and Your holy oil seal me; and let Your Body and Blood be my food. Let Your Mother Mary come to me, and my angel whisper to me. May Your glorious saints and my own dear patrons smile on me, that in and through them I may die as I desire to live, in Your faith and in Your love. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer through the intercession of Blessed Junipero Serra. Amen. • • Novena Prayer • O God, in Your ineffable mercy, You chose Blessed Junipero Serra as a means of gathering many peoples of the Americas into Your Church. Grant that through his intercession our hearts may be united in You in ever greater love, so that at all times and in all places we may show forth the image of Your Only-Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. • Say the Litany to St. Junipero Serra • Our Father • Hail Mary • Glory Be • St. Junipero Serra, pray for us. • 💗🌹💗🌹💗🌹💗 • Pls. support my YT Channel (for my medical check ups and medications) • Paypal Account: [email protected] Thank you and God bless! • MY YT CHANNELS: • Youtube 1st Account:    / behgerelle14   • Youtube 2nd Account:    / @divinelovemercy9438   • FB Page:


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