Black Ingvars The Bad Touch
The Bad Touch av Black Ingvars • Orginalen: Bloodhound Gang • • The Bad Touch by Black Ingvars • Orginal: Bloodhound Gang • • Tekst/Lyric: • Sweat baby sweat baby sex is a texas drought • Me and you do the kind of stuff that only prince would sing about • So put your hands down my pants and Ill bet youll feel nuts • Yes Im siskel, yes Im ebert and youre getting two thumbs up • Youve had enough of two-hand touch you want it rough youre out of bounds • I want you smothered want you covered like my waffle house hashbrowns • Come quicker than fedex never reach an apex like coca-cola stock you are • Inclined • To make me rise an hour early just like daylight savings time • • Do it now • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Do it again now • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Gettin horny now • • Love the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket • Like the lost catacombs of egypt only God knows where we stuck it • Hieroglyphics? let me be specific I wanna be down in your south seas • But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means small craft advisory • So if I capsize on your thighs high tide, b5 you sunk my battleship • Please turn me on Im mister coffee with an automatic drip • So show me yours Ill show you mine tool time youll lovett just like lyle • And then well do it doggy style so we can both watch x-files • • Do it now • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Do it again now • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Gettin horny now • • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Do it again now • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Do it now • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Do it again now • You and me baby aint nothin but mammals • So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel • Gettin horny now","styleRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":2112,"styleRunExtensions":{"styleRunColorMapExtension":{"colorMap":[{"key":"USER_INTERFACE_THEME_DARK","value":4294967295},{"key":"USER_INTERFACE_THEME_LIGHT","value":4279440147}]}},"fontFamilyName":"Roboto"}]},"headerRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":2112,"headerMapping":"ATTRIBUTED_STRING_HEADER_MAPPING_UNSPECIFIED"}]}},{"itemSectionRenderer":{"contents":[{"continuationItemRenderer":{"trigger":"CONTINUATION_TRIGGER_ON_ITEM_SHOWN","continuationEndpoint":{"clickTrackingParams":"CKoBELsvGAIiEwitjqfJ7fCLAxUDb3oFHXhFGIE=","commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"sendPost":true,"apiUrl":"/youtubei/v1/next"}},"continuationCommand":{"token":"Eg0SCzhiWXg0YmZBTjhJGAYyJSIRIgs4Yll4NGJmQU44STAAeAJCEGNvbW1lbnRzLXNlY3Rpb24%3D","request":"CONTINUATION_REQUEST_TYPE_WATCH_NEXT"}}}}],"trackingParams":"CKoBELsvGAIiEwitjqfJ7fCLAxUDb3oFHXhFGIE=","sectionIdentifier":"comment-item-section","targetId":"comments-section"}}],"trackingParams":"CKkBELovIhMIrY6nye3wiwMVA296BR14RRiB"}},"secondaryResults":{"secondaryResults":{"results":[{"lockupViewModel":{"contentImage":{"collectionThumbnailViewModel":{"primaryThumbnail":{"thumbnailViewModel":{"image":{"sources":[{"url":" rs=AOn4CLCY88gdpQHnP3Pdk74bMT8lRHWJFA","width":168,"height":94},{"url":" rs=AOn4CLAsGkqCYU_sFFN1w91B0LpfRuQozQ","width":336,"height":188}]},"overlays":[{"thumbnailOverlayBadgeViewModel":{"thumbnailBadges":[{"thumbnailBadgeViewModel":{"icon":{"sources":[{"clientResource":{"imageName":"PLAYLISTS"}}]},"text":"95 videos","badgeStyle":"THUMBNAIL_OVERLAY_BADGE_STYLE_DEFAULT","backgroundColor":{"lightTheme":2631720,"darkTheme":2631720}}}],"position":"THUMBNAIL_OVERLAY_BADGE_POSITION_BOTTOM_END"}},{"thumbnailHoverOverlayViewModel":{"icon":{"sources":[{"clientResource":{"imageName":"PLAY_ALL"}}]},"text":{"content":"Play all","styleRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":8}]},"style":"THUMBNAIL_HOVER_OVERLAY_STYLE_COVER"}}],"backgroundColor":{"lightTheme":4144959,"darkTheme":4144959}}},"stackColor":{"lightTheme":12566463,"darkTheme":9211020}}},"metadata":{"lockupMetadataViewModel":{"title":{"content":"Top Songs - Black Ingvars"},"metadata":{"contentMetadataViewModel":{"metadataRows":[{"metadataParts":[{"text":{"content":"Black Ingvars"}},{"text":{"content":"Playlist"}}]},{"metadataParts":[{"text":{"content":"Updated today"}}]},{"metadataParts":[{"text":{"content":"View full playlist