Rifle barrel made from rebar

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=8cPjYD59VOA

YouTuber xynudu recently made a screwdriver from large rebar and suggested it might be cool to see a gun barrel made from rebar. I can't resist an idea like that! • UPDATE: Added Grip and Extractor in part 2: •    • Rifle barrel made from rebar - PART 2...   • Shooting it in part 3: •    • Rifle barrel made from rebar - PART 3...   • • Make a heavy duty screw driver out of Rebar •    • Make a heavy duty screw driver out of...   • The barrel is made from ~1 rebar about 18 inches long that I got at the local scrap yard. First I center-drilled the end and went about 3 in with a standard-length 5/16 drill bit. Then I deep-drilled it about 10 using a Dewalt branded installer bit from the local home center. I expected this bit to burn out pretty quickly through so much solid steel but it actually performed very well and is still sharp. Good for Dewalt for choosing a high quality OEM. • After the bar was drilled through, I ground off a few of the ribs and milled a nice flat. A chunk of steel was then measured and cut to fit into the hinge of the gun. These two parts were TIG welded together and the barrel liner was chambered and epoxied in place. It was then tested with a 22 short with bullet pulled. I chose 22 short because I had a box of ammo and no other 22 short gun to shoot it in. I didn't want to fire a live round because I live in the 'burbs and can't get to the range very often. Also last time I fired a live 22lr in my garage the 2 thick wood backstop broke through and the bullet put a hole in my giant fresnel lens and dented my water heater. • Bad choices yield Bad results • Really enjoyed building this in two evenings. Thanks xynudu (Rob) for the idea.


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