Ko Pin Yi vs Johann Chua Hanoi Open Pool Championship 2024 Finals BRIEF
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=8cbwp4Rrers
This video BRIEF is a summarized version of the original where only the actual shots are highlighted. Playing time is approximately 1/3 of the original which gives many viewers the opportunity to watch a full match in less time. • #Billiards, #Pool, #9Ball, #8Ball, #10Ball, #OnePocket, • #EfrenBataReyes, #JoseAmangParica, #DjangoBustamante, #LeeVanCortesa, • #AlexPagulayan, #DennisOrcullo, #CarloBiado, #JamesAranas, #JohanChua, #AntonRaga, • #MikeSigel, #EarlStrickland, #MikaImmonen, #ShaneVanBoening, #FSRuiz, #JoshuaFiller, #EklentKaci, #SkylerWoodward, #KoPinYi, #KoPingChung,