VCFD LACoFD LAFD and CalFire responding to a brush fire


Scores of VCFD, LACoFD, LAFD, and CalFire responding to a brush fire in north ranch. The fire was started by teenagers and burned around 25 acres. The units seen responding, arriving, and driving around the fire here are: VCFD engine 35, LACoFD unknown pickup truck, LACoFD superintendent 13, LACoFD engine 88, VCFD superintendent 12, LACoFD engine 70, LACoFD patrol 70, VCFD utility 40, VCFD water tender 40, VCFD engine 42, VCFD public information officer 11, VCFD dozer tender 14, x2 LASD units, LACoFD unknown pickup truck, VCFD battalion 14, LAFD unknown official, LACoFD unknown pickup truck, VCFD transport and dozer 14, CalFire utility truck, x2 LASD units, Ventura City Fire Department water tender 4, VCFD global information systems unit, Ventura CalFire crews 1 and 2, LACoFD battalion 1, VCFD training 13, brand new VCFD dozer tender 13, VCFD division chief, LACoFD battalion 46, LACoFD dozer, and VCFD transport and dozer 13. • North Ranch • 4/29/21 • #brushfire #vcfd #lacofd #lafd #calfire • socalfirebuff91377


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