Introducing the Mazda RX5 or is it the MX7
An introduction to my project car and self. • The awesome BGMs I used: • Rickenslacker - Chun-Li's Stage - China Vox (Arranged) - • Chun-Li's Stage - China Vox (Arranged) • Rickenslacker - Ryu's Stage - Kobu (Arranged) - • Ryu's Stage - Kobu (Arranged) • James Albert - Killer Instinct - Killer Cuts Soundtrack: The Instinct - • Killer Instinct - Killer Cuts Soundtr... • Pontus Hultgren Music - Ninja Gaiden | Unbreakable Determination [Rockestral] - • Ninja Gaiden | Unbreakable Determinat... • Friedrich Habetler Music - Street Fighter - Cammy's Theme | Epic Rock Cover - • Street Fighter - Cammy's Theme | Epic...