This Week—In a Minute April 2226
Check out the latest news for #actuaries from the Academy: The Academy hosted a Thursday webinar for all new and existing volunteers featuring President Lisa Slotznick, President-Elect Darrell Knapp, and Executive Director Bill Michalisin, covering governance, operations, organization-related topics, and more that are specific to the ongoing success and impact of the Academy’s volunteer initiatives. The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) released its 2023 Annual Report, which highlights the board’s accomplishments throughout the year. Also, April is National Volunteer Month, and a new Contingencies web exclusive, “Volunteer Value—Giving Back, Gaining Benefits,” features Academy volunteers who share their thoughts including what motivated them to become volunteers; the accomplishments they are most proud of; how volunteering has impacted their personal and professional growth; and advice they would offer to prospective Academy volunteers.