Catching The Biggest Invasive Species In The Everglades
Catching The Biggest Invasive Species In The Everglades. Today, I'm back out hunting for that big girl in the florida everglades. The biggest thing that drives me nuts is finding balloons all over the everglades. This is a problem and I wish people would stop letting balloons go. On the bright side this trip out hunting pythons I saw a ton a wild life which means I'm doing my job. The swamp always provides for ol trapper mike and I caught myself a nice sized python along with a few baby python. • *FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * • SUBSCRIBE TO PYHTON COWBOY► / pythoncowboy • FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ► / pythoncowboy • LIKE PYTHON COWBOY ON FACEBOOK ► / pythoncowboy • GET THE PYTHON COWBOY MERCH ► • Contact to book or license footage [email protected] • @PythonCowboy