VitaminD deficiency Malayalam less vitamind vitamind hairfallbody pain
VitaminD deficiency symptoms Malayalam, VitaminD, vitamin deficiency, body pain, hairfall • Functions • 1. Maintains bone and tooth health • 2. Helps in maintaining the prevention against certain diseases such as multiple sclerosis, hypertension, type1 and 2 diabetes, glucose intolerance and even cancer. • Symptoms of deficiency • 1. Fatigue • 2. Muscle and bone pain • 3. Hair loss • 4. Delay in wound healing • 5. Recurring infections • 4. Asthma attacks in children • 5. Bone breakage in children • 6. Skin dryness and itching • 7. Fertility issues • 8. Depression, sleeplessness and sweating of head • 9. Rickets in children • 10. Osteomalacia • 11. Osteoporosis in adults and old age people. • #vitaminddeficiency#vitamindfunctions