GRIZZLYFLUTE Sonata No 5 opus 1 for Three Flutes by Johann Mattheson


The Marche from Sonata No. 5, opus 1 for Three Flutes by Johann Mattheson. Performed on a @tjflutes Platinum plated Alto Flute. ❀️ • You can obtain the sheet music for free from here: Or by checking out my story post for a more easily accessible link! • I have to admit, I may start playing more baroque on the Alto Flute! It's really fun! Especially these duo, trio and quartet pieces. I'm going to look out for more in future! And thankfully there's a ton in this collection alone! 🎢 • You all had some awesome suggestions for film music yesterday! I can't wait to get started with all of that! I may try and just transcribe some music from ear too, and treat it as an exercise! I have actually had the Indiana Jones theme tune in my head for the last 24 hours, so i may need to do that first haha πŸ˜‚ • What do you think of baroque on the Alto?! Is it something you'd give a go? I may try out some of the Bach sonatas with it too! • The weather has been stunning here today, so I went out for a coffee with my sis and did a little bit of shopping. Not actually had much time to practice today, but I'll catch up tomorrow for sure! Hope you're all well and the week is treating you okay! Let me know how you're all getting on! Much love, and speak to you all soon! πŸŽΌπŸŽΆπŸ’• • #baroque #flute #alto


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