Mandoza tribute dance Nkalakatha


I'm saddened by Mandoza's passing and watching him ( SABC thank you concert) use the little strength and breath he had just to experience joy in the midst of his pain indicates his fighting and winning spirit. He poured out his passion till his last breath. His music was a form of ministry. It ministered to him in his last days Indoda ingawa namhlanje, kusasa imphinde evuke (apologies for the spelling errors). I totally admire how he didn't curse God, even in His painful state He honoured the Almighty. He passed knowing God and for that we can be assured that God is giving him rest. His last words to his fans our life's are in God's hand . Amen • Video cred: Ausi Peggy • #MandozaTribute #Video #Touched #AwayFromTheBody #AtHomeWithGod #InfluencialMusician #Cross_Cultural #BreakingHistoricalBoundaries #ManAfterGodsHeart


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