LEGEE 7 feature introduction

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#HOBOT #LEGEE7 #VacuumMop4in1 #Floorcleaningrobot • HOBOT Technology Inc.: https://www.hobot.com.tw/ • With LEGEE SLAM® navigation, FastBrush, Talent Clean personalized cleaning and a new look, the LEGEE 7 vacuum-mop robot makes your home smarter! • The LEGEE 7 Vacuum-Mop 4 in 1 Robot is equipped with many upgraded features. The more sophisticated FastBrush 4-in-1 cleaning offers faster mopping speed, stronger mopping force and vacuum power, and more accurate water spray. The Talent Clean function features 8 distinct cleaning modes which can be assigned to different areas in the house. The patented LEGEE SLAM navigation technology creates more efficient and optimized cleaning routes, while the newly-introduced Creative Voice function adds more personality to the robot.


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