Deadly Sea Snakes That Lurk Below


Evolving from Cobras, Sea Snakes have some of the most toxic and potent venom in the world, some can kill a thousand men in just a few drops. • Subscribe for the latest videos: • Here are 6 of the Deadliest Sea Snakes: • 6 - The Yellow Bellied Sea Snake • The yellow bellied sea snake is one of the most widely distributed snakes in the world and has been spotted as far north as Russia and as far south as New Zealand. Although they tend to avoid cold water, a few have been spotted of the coast of California during drastic weather changes such as el nino. The yellow belly gets its name from its distinct yellow lower half of its body with a black or brown upper body. The snake does not have many predators and the bright yellow colors warn others that it’s highly venomous. They are fairly docile, but may strike a human if picked up or handled roughly. Their venom is highly toxic and causes muscle pain, stiffness, droopy eyelids, drowsiness, vomiting, paralysis and if not treated quickly, death. • 5 - The Beaked Sea Snake • The Beaked Sea Snake, also known as the hook-nosed sea snake or common sea snake, can be found lurking at the bottom of the murky waters in estuaries and river mouths of the eastern Indian ocean. They are commonly found in the coastal islands of India and have been spotted near the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and as far north as Vietnam, and as far south as Australia. • The snake has a small head with a plump olive green upper body and bluish bands with a white belly. It gets its name from from having a distinct beak-like snout which is slightly curved downward.The beaked sea snake can dive as far as 100 meters below, and can remain underwater for up to hours and typically feeds on bottom feeders such as catfish. • Their venom 8 times as potent as a cobra and one bite has enough toxicity to potentially kill 22 humans. Described to be “cantankerous and savage” by experts and is responsible for 90% of sea snake deaths. • 4 - The Dubois' Seasnake • The Dubois’ Seasnake, sometimes referred to as the Reef Shallows snake, can be found lurking in the coral reefs of Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. It’s color can range from salmon and beige to purple and brown with patterns of dark or cream colored bands and is typically just over 1 meter long. • The snake can remain underwater for for up to two hours and is • It’s diet consists of mostly small reef fish such as blennies, parrotfish, surgeonfish as well as moray eels. • The Duboi’s Sea Snake is mildly tempered and will only strike a diver if threatened or mishandled. • 3 - The Horned Sea Snake • The Horned Sea Snake, also referred to as the Spiny-Headed Sea snake, is widely spread throughout the coast of Australia and Southeast Asia, but can also be found near in the waters of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. While most sea snakes prey on a variety of small fish, an adult Horned Sea Snake feeds mainly on gobbies, while the young feed on shrimp. The horned Sea snake is also known to be one of the most venomous sea snakes in the world, although there have been no recorded bites on humans. • 2 - Banded Sea Krait • The Banded Sea Krait can be found in the tropical Western Pacific Seas and the Indian Ocean. The snake gets its name from having distinct black uniform stripes that cover its blueish grey body. It averages 35 inches in length, with a large paddle shaped tail adapted for water.The Banded Sea Krait’s venom is among some of the most toxic on earth and is 10 times more potent than that of a rattlesnake. The snake is well adapted for hunting in shallow waters and coral reefs, which it uses to its advantage in catching prey, which mostly consists of eel and small fish. Although it usually hunts alone, Banded Sea Krait’s have also been known to cooperate together in large numbers as a hunting party. • But unlike most other sea snakes, the Banded Sea Krait spends much of its time on land. It will often leave the sea to seek freshwater, digest food, rest, lay eggs, and shed its skin - all on land.Because the snake frequents land so much, human encounters are far more common than other sea snake. Fortunately, the snake is most always docile, even when provoked, and will very rarely bite a human. • 1 - Belcher’s Sea Snake • The Belcher’s Sea Snake, sometimes referred to as the Faint- Banded Sea Snake, is the most venomous snake in the world. It is said that the snake’s venom is over 100 times that of a cobra, and just a few milligrams is capable of killing over 1,000 humans. • It can be found off the coasts of Northern Australia and Southeast Asia, and is commonly present in the Philippines, New Guinea, and the Gulf of Thailand. • Fortunately for humans, the Belcher’s Sea Snake is quite docile and has even been said to actually be quite friendly. They will almost never bite humans unless heavily provoked, and even when they do, it is estimated that about 3/4ths of all bites on humans are dry bites.


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