2011 Predictions Earthquakes Tsunamis Nuclear War Asteroid Impact amp Massive Floods
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My predictions for this year: • [] = Hasn't occurred / ✓ = Occurred (accurately predicted) • *For predictions that were accurately predicted, click the link after the arrow (→) to read the news article on that prediction. • 1. Dramatic increases in weather and environmental changes [✓] → http://abcn.ws/e1n66r • 2. Natural disasters to be on the rise [✓] → http://reut.rs/r4WbtS • 3. The worst landslides in California history destroy thousands of homes [] • 4. A major event will occur were thousands die on the scale of the Boxing-Day tsunami [✓] → http://bit.ly/eNgfJe • 5. Another oil spill in the Persian Gulf [] • 6. $100/oz silver by March [] • 7. Large earthquake hits Seattle [] • 8. An accident in the Gulf of Mexico will destroy the southern coast of the United States [] • 9. The FBI will attempt to stop every terror attack attempted in the United States [✓] • 10. Expect a sharp rise of non perishable foodsand a lack of fresh produce [✓] • 11. Meat prices will soar to the point only the rich can afford it [] • 12. Our weather will go from horrible to terrible and scary for the globe [✓] • 13. Winter will last longer than usual in 2011 [] • 14. Crop failures in the US and Northern Europe [✓] → http://on.ft.com/la94Hr • 15. We will be more dependent than ever from third world nations to supply our vegetables and fruits [✓] • 16. Because of the unusual cold season this coming year, fuel prices will soar [] • 17. A search for alternative fuels will become more ominous [✓] • 18. Hilary Clinton will resign, splitting the Democratic party [] • 19. She will not win because the Republicans will actually unify as one group to defeat our current President [] • 20. Terrible natural disasters coming to our world... • So many this coming year that we will lose count of them [✓] • 21. 2011 is the year when we officially acknowledge that we are living a second Great Depression [] • 22. The resurface of ancient spiritual views related to old religions and eastern views [] • 23. The European Union will be nearly bankrupted and it will dissolve after 2011 [] • 24. Germany and some Northeastern European nation will try to unify to keep the Euro alive [] • 25. Major earthquakes on the West Coast and Midwest [] • 26. Major sinking around the world [✓] • 27. The tectonic plates will be moving and Southeast Asia will be the first one to go [] • 28. 2011 will come to be known as the Year of the Spear [] • 29. Major flooding in the Midwest beginning in March due to above average rainfall, over taxing the rivers and waterways. Some towns will be completley lost [✓] → http://bit.ly/j6XLYh • 30. Large even in Houston. Not necessarily terror related, but it will have a ripple effect into the US economy and will cause a lock down effect for several months [] • 31. Big changes in the border states as a result of the event in Houston and evens surrounding law enforcement and DHS investigations [] • 32. Former Pres. Bush Sr. will suffer complications from a medical procedure and after fighting for several days, he will pass [] • 33. Volcanic activities peak in April, May and June [✓] → http://n.pr/l89XvG • 34. Bad news for the Euro and the Dollar in the latter part of Q1 and first part of Q2 [✓] • 35. Major changes coming from Vatican City [] • 36. The European Union will begin to show weakness in the Summer, as several countries show indications that they want to opt out [✓] • 37. This year will be one of great turmoil for the Bilderbergers [] • 38. Major power moves within fractions of this group due to ideological differences [] • 39. The power struggles arise out of the conflicts between new ideologies and the current/old power structure [] • 40. Nuclear detonation over Los Angeles [] • 41. Asteroid impact in the Caribbean sea [] • 42. Florida is wiped out due to an unprecedented Category 5 Hurricane [] • 43. UFO sightings increase with more documented cases and more attempts by the government to dismiss them [✓] • 44. Promoted Antichrists towards November [] • 45. President Obama's children in danger [] • 46. Two planes over Washington DC, collide and crash [] • 47. A dense fog - the worst in fifty years - disrupts air travel and transportation woes in London, England [✓] • 48. A Japanese plane is hijacked on the way to Singapore from Tokyo, Japan [] • 49. North Korea and South Korea at war [] • 50. A terrorist attack at the Statue of Liberty in New York [] • 51. Widespread damage when a meteorite hits two states in the southwestern United States []