Lumpy Skin Disease مویشیوں میں کنکر nodules کی بیماری Livestock
@Zafar_Randhawa • Lumpy skin disease is a viral infection that affects cattle, caused by the lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), a member of the capripoxvirus genus. It spreads primarily through insect vectors like mosquitoes, flies, and ticks. The disease is characterized by fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and the appearance of nodules on the skin, which can develop into ulcers. These nodules are usually firm, raised, and may have a necrotic center. Severely affected animals may experience weight loss, decreased milk production, and sometimes, death. The economic impact is significant due to reduced productivity and trade restrictions. Diagnosis is confirmed through laboratory tests like PCR and virus isolation. Control measures include vaccination, culling of infected animals, and vector control strategies. Early detection and a rapid response are crucial to preventing widespread outbreaks.