Jersey Boys Walk Like A Man Warner Bros Entertainment
{JERSEY SWAP TUTORIAL} This is a NEW photoshop tutorial where I breakdown and walkthrough how to do jersey swap within adobe photoshop. This is an essential technique for anyone getting into graphic designs. Whether you are a beginner or an expert everyone can find use out of this tutorial!!! If you guys learned something or enjoy this type of series please leave a LIKE. Remember, at 2500 subscribers I'm dropping another graphics pack so please stay tuned and hit that Sub Button! The specific parts of the design can be found in the timestamps below! Make sure you have those notifications turned on(🔔) so you don't miss when I drop that graphics pack. • ⏱Timestamps ⏱ • 0:00 Intro • 0:09 Step One: Cut Out Jersey • 1:24 Step Two: Fit Jersey to Body • 2:22 Step Three: Trim and Clean • 3:25 Step Four: Duplicate Player Numbers • 3:51 Step Five: Complete Number Change/Selective Color • • 📆 Schedule 📆 • My schedule for posting is as follows, I post on Instagram (@EditsByJosh_) my design for the week on SUNDAYs, and then on MONDAY 11:30AM (EST) I will post how it was done on this YT Page !!! This is so you will always know when I am uploading. So if you want to check out the graphic for the week before they are uploaded to YouTube then hit me with a follow over there! Also I post polls asking what videos I should post on YouTube so if you want to make suggestions leave me a follow over there! • 🔗 Links 🔗 • Patreon: / sportsphotoshoptutorials • Instagram Link: / editsbyjosh_ • BONUS Brushes Link: • 📲 Join the Community 📲 • FREE Subscriber Link: • Discord Link: / discord • Other Full Design Breakdowns: • NBA Sports Design Breakdown | Beginne... • Thanks for the support !