Day After Day White Ribbon PSA


TRIGGER WARNING: Violence and abuse • Day After Day, a public service announcement for White Ribbon by Oscar-nominated director Hubert Davis, speaks directly to men who are using, or at risk of using, gender-based violence as a response to the stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic. • The PSA reflects the truth of the COVID-19 pandemic: Between March and October 2020, as households adjusted to stay-at-home orders across the country, calls to police about domestic disputes increased 8.2 per cent, according to Statistics Canada. Helplines witnessed an alarming increase almost immediately: In British Columbia, The Battered Women’s Support Services saw a 400 per cent increase in April-May 2020; and in Ontario, The Assaulted Women’s Helpline reported a 400 per cent increase in April 2020. Research by the Ontario Association of Interval Transition Houses Research has shown a year-over-year increase in femicide (from January to May 2020 to January to May 2021.) • As the world’s largest movement of men and boys advocating an end to all forms of gender-based violence, including violence against women and girls, White Ribbon hopes the PSA will show men they are not alone in the stress of the pandemic, that support is available, and there are services that can help. • For help and resources, visit:


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