Natural Stone Driveway Episode 1 Demolition and Collection
Welcome to the first episode in a series documenting efforts to replace 400 square feet of asphalt driveway with one made entirely of natural stones harvested from the evil dark forest surrounding my house. • This first episode goes over the two huge engineering problems already solved. The first was demolition and removal of the existing crappy warped asphalt using a 20 pound iron bar, a sledge hammer, and brute strength. The second challenge was finding and collecting all the stones using some simple machines and techniques. The goal was to find and collect one dinner plate size of stone every day for two years. So if I found a big stone slab, that could count as a few days. Or a stash in the woods from an old stone wall, boom, money baby. The criteria for choosing a stone: it just has to have one flat face and have an overall flatish or brickish shape to it. • See my two other videos, • Fairy Tale Trail and • Fairy Tale Trail Progress Report for a trail I'm blazing through the boulder-filled woods, which has both provided rocks themselves, and a flat pathway to haul other rocks. • I reckon I have enough rocks collected now to get a good start on the project as Spring blooms here in Central CT, if not finish all 400 square feet by late Fall. I may need to collect more stones as I go along, but the next step is to process these that I have so the edges are at right angles to the flat tops. Right now it's all kind of weird angles and rounded edges. This simple shaping work will be the subject of the next episode, as soon as I learn how to do it! • I have received lots of criticism and doubt, but that just fuels me. To be fair lots of people have also told me how cool a project it is, but I don't want to hear that crap. • If you're rich or stupid enough to blast some cash to support content like this: • If you enjoyed the writing here in the description, sign up for the Aytwit Newsletter: • #masonry #stonework #stones #driveway #homeimprovement #diy #paving #pavers #stonedriveway #mason #stonemason #asphalt