In God We Trust
Here's a link to the HD version of this Documentary • • In God We Trust HD • Richard Dawkins' comments on this film. (posted on the Richard Dawkins Foundation Website Monday, 09 April 2012 at 6:00 AM) • The whole film is long, but well worth watching. One highlight, for me, was the spectacularly stupid woman around 0:22:40. She begins by denying that God could ever sanction slavery. Scott then gets her to read aloud the relevant passage from Leviticus and she then completely changes her tune, saying that homosexuality is worse than slavery. That's right: homosexuality is WORSE than slavery. Why? Because the Bible condemns homosexuality and (as she has just that minute learned from Scott) it doesn't condemn slavery. • Even more horrifying is the section (starting around 0:59) labelled Following Orders : a covert allusion to the Nuremburg Defence. Scott asks people to put themselves in the position of Joshua, ordered by God to slaughter the native peoples already living in the promised land, or of Abraham, ordered by God to sacrifice his son. One after another, the faith-heads say (reluctantly in the case of the young man with glasses and curly hair, but with something close to relish in the case of the odious man with a bald head and little beard) that yes, they would commit genocide and infanticide if God ordered them to. This is as clear an illustration of the evil of religion as I have come across for a long time. • Richard • Comments by the filmmaker, Scott Burdick, on the making of the documentary. • When I was given a DVD of a protest rally in the small town of King, near where I live, I was shocked by the sight of five thousand people waving Christian Flags and cheering one of the speakers when he said that everyone there should encourage those who weren't Christian in the area to move somewhere else. • My first reaction was anger and I told my wife, Susan, we were going to put our house up for sale the next day and move somewhere more tolerant. But the next morning, I decided that I would do something else first. I took my video camera down to the Veteran's Memorial in King's Public Park and started interviewing people. • I learned that the rally had been ignited by a returning Afghanistan Veteran who threatened to sue the town if they didn't remove the Christian Flag from the public Veteran's Memorial. • I was surprised that most residents believed that Separation of Church and State is a myth and that the Founders intended this to be an officially Christian Nation. They quoted so many historical facts from a man named David Barton to back up their claims, that I really wondered if what I'd taken for granted might be incorrect. • And thus began a year-and-a-half journey in my spare time to find out the truth and source of the idea of Separation of Church and State, as well as interviews with half a dozen different religious groups in the area about what and why they believed what they do. The story quickly became as much about what we believe about God as what we believe about the Founders of the United States -- and how we evaluate truth itself. • Although I started the project out of anger, I ended up truly liking the people I interviewed on all sides of the issue and it helped to diffuse my own negative emotions to the point where I felt a responsibility to honestly represent the viewpoints of even those I disagreed with the most. To that end, I have not done any narration, but have simply let the people themselves give their opinions in their own words. I will leave it up to you to decide who you agree with. • This was just me with a camera on my own, so it is definitely not a professionally produced documentary, but I hope some will find it as interesting a subject and as much an education as I did in making it. • Scott Burdick • Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice. - Ayaan Hirsi Ali • John Ragosta's book, Wellspring of Liberty • An excelent website that details the lies of David Barton • The music in this film was created and used by permission of • Samuel A. Taylor • Donovan Quixote • Bruce Burgess • • • Here's a link to a radio interview I did about the film •