Propeller Design
UPDATE FEB 2018: We have just released a new online propeller tool for which we are collecting your feedback: • • Wageningen B-Series Propeller Design:... • https://www.wageningen-b-series-prope... • UPDATE APRIL 2017: Check out a more recent video about Wageningen B-Series Propellers: • Geometry Model for Wageningen B-Serie... • UPDATE FEBUARY 2017: There have been several new developments in CAESES in the field of propeller design since we posted this video 4 years ago. BTW: Sorry for the artificial voice in this video... ;-) Please check our website which gives you updated information. There is also a short read about how Caterpillar Propulsion uses CAESES for their blade design process: • • VIDEO INFORMATION: • This video gives a brief introduction to propeller design in CAESES. The so-called generic blade entity and the cylinder transformation are provided for design of fully-parametric maritime and non-maritime propeller blades including parametric profile design and user-defined rake, skew and pitch distributions. • Multiple profile types within one blade are possible via blending functions. Ready-to-use NACA profiles are available in CAESES, or any other airfoil data. Set up your own mathematical / geometric curve definitions for profiles, mean camber and thickness distributions. Integrated access to Excel sheets is also possible, or can even be programmed in CAESES (there is scripting functionality for this). Furthermore, there is a 2D drawing functionality available for propellers and a PFF-Import/Export (Propeller Free Format). Finally, a blade analysis for imported surface geometry is provided, for reconstruction of parametric models from simple NURBS data. Any type of marine propeller can be created, but also propeller types for other industries (e.g. aircraft propellers). • Marine-specific information incl. propeller design can be found here: • • For more general information about CAESES, start here: •