Battle of Borodino 1812 Panorama


The 1812 Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum in Moscow displaying a giant panorama painting of the battle with a full-size foreground. • The Battle of Borodino was a battle fought on 7 September 1812 in the Napoleonic Wars during the French invasion of Russia. • The fighting involved around 250,000 troops. • Napoleon's Grande Armée enjoying a substantial numerical superiority launched an attack against the Russian army, driving it back from its initial positions but was frustrated and fought to a stand-still thereafter. • Both armies were exhausted after the battle. Both sides have subsequently claimed victory. However, it was the Russians withdrew from the field the following day. • Borodino represented the last Russian effort at stopping the French advance on Moscow, which fell a week later, however allowing the French capture of Moscow may have been a pre-planned ruse all along. • The French had no clear way of forcing Czar Alexander to capitulate because the Russian army was not at all defeated. • Moreover, the Russian army continued to grow in strength receiving new supplies and reinforcements and, more importantly, maneuvered in such a way so as to block the French south-western retreat and channel the retreat and soon an all-out flight along the same much devastated route by which the Armee Grande had come to Moscow, denying them supplies and resulting in the ultimate near-total destruction of the French invasion following their flight from Moscow in October. • About ten to twenty thousand troops in all (including Napoleon) were able to escape Russia from what was an over 500,000 strong invading force. • More Moscow travelog videos    • Moscow Travelog   • • • My radio reception collection: • Radio Moscow World Service collection    • Radio Moscow World Service   • BBC World Service radio:    • BBC Archives and Ex-Files   • Voice of America radio    • VOA x-Files   • My radio blog: • • I have more and might upload if there is enough interest (aka subscribers) so subscribe


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