E MALAMA (Hawaiian) • E malama i ka Heiau, E malama i ka Heiau, E malama pono i ka Heiau E, • Earth and Sky, Sea and Stone, hold this Land in sacredness • Heiau, Heiau, Heiau, E • Meaning: • Take care of the sacred Land, Take righteous care of the sacred Land, Yes indeed • It is a sacred place, sacred, yes indeed • Recorded at satsang from ShantiMayi in the Netherlands, 2011 • CD: 'LIVE AT UNIVERSEL MURAD HASSIL' by SACHA ALLSTARRS • available at: http://www.sacha-cd.com/singing_toget... • Shakti M Muller-Leading vocals guitar; Premo-vocals guitar; Peter Wiltshire-vocals; Joep Smeenk-Saxophone; Vincent Smeenk-Bass; Pieter Smeenk-Keyboards; Sahara-Percussion; • Sunyata-Percussion; Pieter Vincent Smeenk-Mix production; Sacha Sangha-Group Singers • Movie by Shakti M Muller www.intothesilence.nl • With special thanks to ShantiMayi, Great spirit, Mother Earth, Naturespirits of Hawaii, Jivani Mark, Puna Dawson and students, Danny, Tara, Sacha sangha and all beloved friends who made the journey to Hawaii so beautiful!