Masa Real cubanaMata Hambre cubanoDulce cubano de Masa real o Mata hambreHeidis Channel


Masa Real cubana/Mata Hambre cubano/Dulce cubano de Masa real o Mata Hambre/Dulces cubanos/Reposteria cubana.CUBAN DESSERT MASA REAL/Heidi's Channel • Blog de recetas escritas: • Hola amigos, • hoy a peticion de Aaron les traigo el Masa Real o Mata Hambre,dulce tipico cubano,espero les guste!! • Ingredientes: • 2 tazas de harina (250 gr ) • 1 taza de azucar (125 gr) • mermelada o barra de guayaba • 1 taza de mantequilla (100 gr) • 1 cda de vainilla • pizca de sal • 2 huevos • molde de 20 x 20 cm • Horno bien caliente a 180 C° por 35/40 minutos • English: • 2 cups of flour • 1 cup of sugar • 1 cup of butter • guava bar • 1 tbsp od vanilla estract • salt • 2 eggs • baing mold: 20x20 cm • Put the butter at room temperature in a bowl with the sugar, mix well. Add the first egg and mix well. Put the second and mix well again. • Add the tablespoon of vanilla, and the flour little by little, also the pinch of salt. • We are going to divide it into two equal pieces, you can put them in pastry bags. • Put the first part in the 20 x 20 cm pan, level everything well, now it will go to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. • Put the jam in a pastry bag and now add it to the mixture base. Level well and refrigerate for 15/20 minutes. • Now cover with the rest of the mixture and level everything well. • This will go to the oven already hot at 180 ° C for 35/40 minutes, always do the toothpick test, it should come out dry, let it cool to cut into squares. • Suscribete al canal para mas videos,clica la campanita para que estes actualizado y regalame un like si te el video! gracias! • Me encuentras tambien en: • Facebook:   / heidi.hernandez.758   • Instagram:   / hefu4   • dulce cubano masa real,dulce cubano mata hambre,mata hambre cubano,masa real cubano,masa real,masa real cuba,como hacer masa real cuba,masa real receta,masa real de guayaba receta cubana,masa real de guayaba,guayaba ruben blades,guayaba,cuban food (cuisine),dulce de leche,panetela cubana,panetela cubana receta,Queso or Guava and Cheese Torte,panetela cubana en el horno,guayaba madura,cuba (country),GUAVA


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