Beginners guide to charging LiPo batteries parallel charging
Some quick little tips to help people out there when it comes to charging Lipo batteries. I know there can be a lot of numbers and things to understand when it comes to batteries and it is important to get them right because Lipos can be dangerous in used incorrectly. Happy flying everyone. If you found this helpful leave a like so can help other people too. • Like what I do. Support and help me grow the channel at / uavfutures every little bit helps and will allow me to make more videos like this more often. Big thanks to the people who already do support the channel. You guys rock. Happy flying • EDIT: I accidentally said miliamp hours instead of amp hours at points in the vid, But im sure you get the idea : ) • • TIP: If you're using this charger (Turnigy Accucel-6 80W) to charge fat shark batteries you'll need to upgrade the firmware of this charger! You can't balance charge fat shark's batteries so you'll end up with an error by default. Here's the link to the firmware. Download ACC6 80W firware v1.13 patched to fix balance connect error and follow the instructions inside!