Generalized Anxiety Disorder SYMPTOMS
► Need help with your Anxiety? Visit our sponsor and get help here: • Life is stressful for the majority of us and it’s normal to feel anxious from time to time however worrying excessively, being anxious most the time and struggling to control that worry or anxiety could be a sign of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. • Generalized Anxiety Disorder is also known as GAD. • Anyone can suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, it can affect children, teenagers, adults, men and women. • Research has shown that women are twice as likely to be affected then men • People who suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder tend to always expect something bad to happen to them or a loved one. • They constantly worry about their health, money, family, school or work. • Their worry is often out of proportion with the situation. • Generalized Anxiety Disorder often involves a lot of what ifs ‘ what if I embarrass myself, what if the plane I’m on crashes what if I break my leg playing football, what if my parents become ill, these what if’s stop a lot of people from doing things in their life because of the what if fear. • Living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder is living in a constant state of fear, dread and worry. This anxiety, dread, fear and worry eventually takes over a persons life and interferes with their day to day life including school, work, social life and relationships. • Not everyone who suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder has the same symptoms. • Generalized Anxiety Disorder symptoms are broken down into 3 types, emotional, behavioural and physical. • Emotional symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder include • Constant feelings of worry, dread or apprehension • Intrusive thoughts about things that make you anxious, you try and stop thinking about them but you can’t • Overthinking everything • Inability to control your feelings of anxiety or worry • Behavioural symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder include • Inability to relax • Difficulty concentrating and feeling like your mind goes blank • Putting things off because of how you’re feeling • Avoiding places, people or situations that make you feel anxious • Physical symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder include • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind is racing • Feeling tense, having body aches or muscle tightness • Headaches • Stomach problems such as diarrhoea or nausea • Feeling constantly tired • Sweating more than usual • Please do NOT self diagnose yourself from this video! • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ► Need help with your Anxiety? Visit our sponsor and get help here: • ► INSTAGRAM - / authenticmentalhealth • ► TWITTER - / autmentalhealth • ► Sign up to our newsletter • ► Website - • ► Youtube Intro Music - • Anxiety [Official Audio] • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Authentic Mental Health is a community of like minded people who suffer from a range of mental health disorders, we are an open, honest community who help, support and never judge each other! • Join our community by subscribing here - • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ► Anxiety Test - • Do You Have Anxiety? (TEST) • ► Depression Test - • Are you depressed? (TEST) • ► Bipolar Disorder Test - • Bipolar Disorder (TEST) • ► Social Anxiety Test - • Do You Have Social Anxiety? (TEST) • ► Schizophrenia Test- • Do You Suffer From Schizophrenia (TEST) • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ► Please help translate our videos into different languages, this will help more people around the world! You can translate our videos here - • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • #anxiety #GAD #generalizedanxietydisorder #socialanxiety #SAD #mentalhealth #mentalillness #phobia