🌊 Drown 🌊 Part 11 Wings of Fire MAP Part Anemone and Darkstalker Turtle
Whoot finished with this one! I was actually a backup on this MAP, which I joined because I love the song and I thought it fit Anemone quite well (with the idea of drowning in her powers, needing Turtle's help, can you please save my soul etc). The MAP seems pretty close to finishing, I'm excited to see it done! • Thanks for taking me off the backup list and letting me have some flexibility with the script of my part, Pegi :D This is when Anemone sees Darkstalker arriving at Jade Mountain Academy and decides it's time to impress him. (Scene from the epilogue of Book 8) The main challenge I set myself for this part was the zooming out effect from the dragons all the way to Anemone, through the window. Uhh I'm not sure I did a great job but y'know, at least now it's something else I tried. • Also I've been compiling some tips on making MAP parts (I'd like to do a 5 Tips for Making MAP parts video or something later) and during this video I wrote down stop being a ho and doing full shading on everything because it's death and makes tweening look so much worse 😂 • COMPLETED MAP: Unfinished • MAP CALL: • COMPLETED • MAP is being hosted by Pegifenu! • You can use this in animation tributes but you will have to use this version with the watermark. ALSO, you must credit me in the video description. You CANNOT use this in a MAP unless you are Pegifenu! • Designs for Anemone, Moon, Darkstalker and Turtle are owned by Pegifenu (I think). THE DESIGNS HAD THE FRILLS ON THEM... I know they're normally on RainWings but I had to put them on the characters to make it consistent :P • FIND ME AT: • MY WEBSITE: https://biohazardia.crd.co/ • MY SHOP (you can get Wings of Fire Merchandise!): https://redbubble.com/people/biohazardia • DEVIANTART: https://www.deviantart.com/biohazardia • INSTAGRAM: / biohazardia • TWITTER: / biohazardia • Programs used: • Clip Studio Paint for drawing, Adobe After Effects for animation and Premiere Pro to put it together. • Music: Drown by AVIVA