Beyond Good amp Evil Walkthrough Slaughterhouse Entrance
Full Walkthrough: • • Dock along the dry platform and look up at a windowed booth above you. Shoot a gyrodisk at the visible button to open the gateway. • • Continue into the Surveillance Room. Stop and dock the hovercraft at the large metal gate. Follow the pipe; you'll need to shimmy between a gap in the machinery to continue. The squeeze is too tight for Double H; you'll have to find another way to get him up. • • On the top, you'll immediately fight an Alpha Sections attack robot. This one flies left to right, firing a machine gun at Jade. Run to dodge the fire, shooting gyrodisks at the green air tanks when the robot pauses. Once both air tanks/engines are destroyed, you're free to continue. • • Don't run across the lasers just yet. Instead, move to the very edge of the raised platform and peer across with your camera. Zoom in and watch the gears. Between the gear's gaps, you'll be able to fire a gyrodisk into the hand-print button. Try to hit the button from here, it controls the large gate. When the gate begins to rise, quickly run down to your hovercraft. • • Jump into your hovercraft and dock on the other end of the gate before it closes. This path will allow Double H to follow Jade. • • Use the large machines in the corner as stepping stones until Jade reaches a flat surface of the gate she can stand on. Order Double H to activate the gate switch. Now Jade can climb even higher up. Hop onto a protruding pipe to climb into a circular opening. • • Inside the Trolley Entrance, jump to the ground floor and knock the Guardian into the electric fence. The Guardian's shield goes down right after it fires. • Continue past the broken electric fence, opening the locker for a few goodies and climbing into the vent shaft. • • Hopping out of the vent shaft, take a picture of the map on the wall before leaving. • • Wait for Double H to return to your side in the Surveillance Room, then return to the Trolley Entrance, back into the same room with the map. • • With Double H's help, push the large crate towards the vent shaft. Now Double H can follow you through the vent. Cross the broken electric fence and use Double H's charge action to blast through those pesky bars. • • An Alpha guard will hear the commotion and investigate. Wait near the hallway entrance until he gives up the search, giving you a nice view of his air tank. Shoot it with a gyrodisk, and call the trolley. • • The trolley takes you to the Central Hall. In all three wings, your goal is to reach a room overlooking the Central Hall to find evidence of Alpha Section corruption. • • Past the vending machine you'll be ambushed by three robots. Smack all three into each of the electric fences. A button on the left wall will call in more if you make a mistake. • • If you destroy both electric fences to your right, you'll gain access to a pearl and an Mdisk player. • • Check the floor, one of the robots was carrying a Triangle Keycard. Pick it up, open your S.A.C. and give it to Double H. • • Once Double H has the extra Triangle Keycard, order him to push the triangle switch. Push a triangle switch yourself as Double H pushes his, both switches need to be pushed simultaneously. • • Through the double switch door you'll be blocked by three laser hallways. Order Double H to run through, his armor protects him from the lasers, and hit the triangle switch on the opposite end. This will shut down the red lasers for a few seconds, allowing Jade to leap and duck past. • • After three laser obstacle courses, you'll reach your first bit of evidence. Two guards watch over a large bay window looking out into the Central Hall. Use your camera zoom to check out the pillar device in the center of hall. Take a snapshot as a person floats by, then head back through a Purple Square door. • Return to the Trolley, and head back to the Trolley Entrance, then to the Surveillance Room to get back into your hovercraft. • • Once in your hovercraft, follow the water passage to your left and into the Interior Moats. • • Full Walkthrough: