MEN’S physique shoulder workout CHALLENGE
Get your training program today at • Instagram : / vladigalagan • Instagram App page: / • Mehdi Rehane: / mehdirehane • My Book: • • Shoulders programme • EX 1 : Rotating shoulders press • Set 1: 12-15 reps • Set 2: 12-15 reps • Set 3: 12 reps / rest pause set ( 15-20s) with Ez bar Front raise • Set 4 (3sets): 12 reps - drop set 40% Weight, do 12-15 reps / then rest pause set (20-30s) with Ez bar Front raise • EX 2: Standing Lateral Raise Machine • Set1 : 10 reps each side / 12 reps both • Set2: 10 reps each side / 12 reps both • Set 3: 10 reps each side / 12 reps half range • Set 4: 10 reps each side / 12 reps half range • EX 3 :Dumbbell lateral Raise Dumbbell lateral raise ( short lever ) • Set 1 : 12 reps in each movement at the same time ( biset) • Set 2 : same • Set 3 : 12 reps in each movement at the same time / then Rest pause (20-30s) with upright row • Set 4 : 12 reps in each movement at the same time / then Rest pause (20-30s) with upright row • Ex 4 : Rear delt fly ( UVL) Tri-set • Set 1 : 10 reps in each variation at the same time • Set 2 :10 reps in each variation at the same time • Set 3 :10 reps in each variation at the same time