Diana Chaser RIFLE Kit Unbox Cleaning Setup CO2 Pistol amp Rifle Combo
The brand new for 2018 Diana Chaser Rifle Kit is one of the most exciting Co2 air rifles to hit the market this year. ...and it's everything we thought it might be! This unique Chaser Rifle kit is just $119 and comes with a Diana Chaser pistol, plus and extra moderated 17 inch rifle barrel that is totally interchangeable. You also get a polymer skeletonized butt stock! The power, high shot count, and accuracy of this remarkable new 2018 CO2 rifle kit make the Diana Chaser one of the best values out there! Find out why in this detailed Diana Chaser Rifle Kit review video. • My AFFILIATE LINK for Diana CHASER at PYRAMYD AIR: http://www.anrdoezrs.net/links/100005... • Follow AGC on Social Media: • Airgun Channel INSTAGRAM: / airgun_channel • Twitter at / airgun_channel • Facebook at / airgun.channel • My AFFILIATE LINKS: • Thanks for watching! Here are my AFFILIATE links if you shop at PYRAMID AIR for pellets and other gear...I will get up to 6% of the sale. Thanks for watching! -Nate • Diana CHASER on AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=air+gun am... • Airgun Depot AFFILIATE LINK: Coming Soon! • Diana CHASER on EBAY: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-532... • Youtube’s Airgun Channel offers quick and easy tips on airgunning as well as reviews of the latest and greatest airguns available. No air rifle is too cheap or too expensive to escape review by Youtube’s Airgun Channel. Thank you to all our Subscribers and future Subscribers who support Airgun Channel with your views and comments as we continue to grow. Thank you! • As we continue to ad air rifles, pistols, and air gun related accessories to our library of reviews, Airgun Channel hopes to become a trusted source for honest, unsponsored Airgun Reviews. You will NEVER see a commercial on AIrgun Channel! Youtubes Airgun Channel is, and will always be, a commercial free (un-monetized) channel! • If there is anything you would like to see a video on: tell me in the comments section. I love reading your comments and I read and respond to every comment. • Got a cool video of you or a loved one shooting an airgun? I would love to put it on Airgun Channel! Just hit me up in the comments section or email me directly at [email protected] • Find us anytime at www.Air-Gun-Channel.com • Thanks for watching and happy shooting! • Easter Egg: Stunt Robots • Disney’s Stunt Robots Could Change Ho...