>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=96ShAg959T4

1st Part: Oregon Airshow: F/A-18 Super hornet flown by rhino demo team lead Amanda “Stalin” Lee!!! watch her roar through the skies and celebrate women in aviation!!! • 2nd Part: FIRST FEMALE DEMO PILOT FOR THE BLUE ANGELS: Lieutenant Amanda Lee became the first female ever to be selected as a demo pilot for the elite U.S. Navy squadron. • #Femalepilot #Navy #BlueAngels #F18 #Fighterpilot #F16 #Pakistan #AirForce #女飛官 #第位战斗机女飞行员 #中華民國空軍 #位幻象2000 #Taiwan #ROCAF #Mirage2000 #F16FightingFalcon #Misawa #LadyPanther #USAF #Internationalwomensday #8mars #eightmars #IWD #female #womeninaviation #womeninuniform #military #girlsflytoo #womenpilots #fighterjet #aviatrix #fightersquadron #fighterwing #cockpitfootage #flightsuit #Gsuit #harness #helmet #visor #oxygenmask #survivalvest #lifesuit #lifejackat #survivalsuit #woman #lady #girl #gloves #lipstick #hairstyle #makeup #hot #sexy #cute #pretty #cool #awesome #badass #fighterchick #militarywoman #Ponytail #女性戦闘機パイロット #女性 #戦闘機パイロット #パイロット #女性パイロット #Hungary #női #magyar #Gripen #Jas39 #India #Pakistan #Iran #Hijab #F7 #MiG21 #Femeie #NATO #Romania #женщинапилот #девушки #курсанты #истребител #летчик #Russia #Mujer #Mulher #női #pilóta #nőipilóta #WomenofAmerica #Black #Africa #African #FirstFemale #First #Femme #Première #Frau #Kampfjetpilotin #Militärpilotin #Kampfpilotin #Pilotin #afterburner #pilotlife #militaryaviation #jet #aircraft #avgeek #fighter #fighterjets #jet #jets #supersonic #flying #fly #flight #aviation #aviationgeek #EachforEqual #WomensDay #8мартМеждународенДенНаЖената #JournéeDesDroitsDesFemmes #DíaDeLaMujer #Bundeswehr #Luftwaffe #Tornado #Germany #kadın #bayan #Polis #女飛官 #第位战斗机女飞行员 #中華民國空軍 #位幻象2000 #Mirage #Pilotdechasse #ArméedelAir #여성조종사 #女性パイロット #นักบินหญิง #nữphicông #женщина #пилот #Kadın #Donna #Wanita #babaeng #Philippine #Filipina • #يوم_المرأة • #المرأة • #طائرة


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