Necessary Assumption LSAT Logical Reasoning
Necessary Assumption questions in Logical Reasoning have correct answers that link together the chain of reasoning in the argument or defend the argument from something that would be devastating to the argument. This lesson looks at these relationships between the correct answer and the argument. It also covers the common reasoning structures found in Necessary Assumption questions and the trap answer patterns you need to know to be successful. • Take a free practice digital LSAT • • LSAT Lab is the most efficient and effective way to study for the Law School Admission Test. Learn the basics with our free video lessons, and dive deeper with our custom-built tools designed to efficiently improve your score. • With the free LSAT Lab Starter plan you can take a practice test and create a personalized study plan that fits your schedule based on your target LSAT test date, your goal score, and your personal strengths and weaknesses. • LSAT Lab works on your desktop, tablet, and even your mobile phone. Try it for free at • Subscribe to our YouTube channel to make sure you get our newest LSAT videos.