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You can buy this song and the rest of my music here: • Music by Farya Faraji, artwork by Vasil Goranov. Please note that this isn't actual Byzantine music, nor does it seek to be--it's modern Epic music which mixes a film soundtrack style with Modern Greek musical language to produce an image of Byzantine civilisation, not a reconstructive work. This specific song is based on the Rebetiko style of Greek music, a genre that emerged in the late 19th century to early 20th century, and is characterised by copious use of the Bouzouki as a main instrument. It often features a festive sound due to the close relationship between Rebetiko and nightlife entertainment centered around ouzeris, tavernas and other nightlife centres. Though Rebetiko was essentially the music of the urban poor of early 20th century Greece, I found its festive sound to be a good fit for the theme of a wedding—the secular, festive music of Byzantium not being available to us, modern Greek music is the next best thing due to its evolutionary link to Byzantine music and unbroken chain of descent from it. • Theophano was Empress of the Byzantine Empire in the 10th century, and was married to two emperors. She was renowned for her great beauty and mostly, her political cunning which made her infamous in remembrance. Coming from humble origins, she supposedly poisoned her father in law, the Emperor, to expedite her husband's rise to the throne, and the exerted great influence over the latter during his reign.


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