【FGO】Grigori RasputinKotomine Kirei Servant Demonstration「グレゴリー・ラスプーチン言峰綺礼」【FateGrand Order】
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☆5 Alter Ego Gregori Rasputin / Kotomine Kirei • Noble Phantasm: • Zazhiganiye Angra Mainyu: Overflowing Jetblack Heart • Increases Rasputin's Arts performance for 1 turn (effect increases with Overcharge) before dealing AoE damage that deals bonus damage to Evil alignment enemies and applying burn, burn amp, curse and curse amp debuffs to them for 3 turns, and has the probability of instakilling Good alignment enemies • Skills: • Protection of the Faith (Independent) A+ • Heals a single ally while removing their debuffs and increasing their attack for 3 turns • Festival of Malicious Thoughts A • Charges Rasputin's NP gauge at the cost of decreasing his HP by 2000 [Demerit] before charging every Evil alignment ally's NP gauge and increasing their Arts performance for 3 turns • Undying Bahloo EX • Grants a one-proc Guts to Rasputin for 3 turn that can stack with other Guts buffs, a 3 turn Guts that has a high chance to proc, a 3 turn buff that increases his Noble Phantasm damage for 5 turns when a Guts is proc'd and a taunt that lasts 3 turn • Passives: • Territory Creation B • Increases Rasputin's Arts performance • Proxy B • Increases Rasputin's critical damage and star generation • Baptismal Sacraments A • Increases Rasputin's mental debuff resistance • Poison Resistance (Secrecy) B • Grants Rasputin poison immunity • Yorokobe, Master. • Timestamps: • 0:00 Grigori Rasputin Battle Animation • 3:32 Father Kotomine Battle Animation • 6:59 Kotomine Kirei Battle Animation • 10:43 Summoning, Leveling Ascension Lines • #fgo