Xenia Complete Setup Guide for Canary amp Master Xbox 360 Emulator

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=9E4TPrWrVek

(Some Flipnotes contain literal seizure lights so watch out) • I found out an easy way to convert Flipnotes, so here's over 250 that I had stored on my old DSi, totaling in 2 hours long! Flipnote Hatena was a big part of my childhood, and luckily when I was young I used to save a lot of the ones I liked to my storage. Several years after the old Flipnote was shut down I found these and wanted to upload them for everyone, but it was a confusing process that would've required hacking my DSi and other junk I didn't want to mess with. Awhile later someone made a converter on Github that can just convert them right away, so that's how I'm finally able to show these. Many classics can found here, along with other Flipnotes that have either been sped up or possibly altered because some of the ones I saved were uncopylocked and edited by people who stole them. Nothing I can do to change that, but it's still better then nothing. All rights belong to the creators of these various Flipnotes, who I greatly thank for creating very fond memories of watching Flipnotes all day by stealing my neighbor's wifi from across the street. If you have any Flipnotes on your DSi or 3DS you want to upload, here's the Github site and a very easy tutorial I used to get this done! • https://flipnote.rakujira.jp/ •    • How to Upload Flipnotes to YouTube / ...   • Also this ain't a Beastars video but who even cares, I am out of ideas for those currently anyways.


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