Fishing guide Tips Salmon River Pulaski NY salmon steelhead spin fly fishing


Salmon River Pulaski NY drift boat spin fly fishing report guide Tips to help YOU catch more fish! PRIME HOLDING CURRENT BREAKS for salmon steelhead brown trout and atlantic salmon on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY • Pic. Credit's in order - Jeff Pierce @, Brad, Kris, Matt'n me in drift boat - Photo by Dad Capt. Jerry Zalucki @, Ken Card, me. • For Todays Salmon River Pulaski NY Fishing Guide Report • Google • • Facebook •   / 479488402134210   • Flickr • • U Tube Channel •    / yankeeanglerfishingguidesalmonriverpulaski...   • Salmon River Pulaski NY fishing guide offers drift boat, wade, spin or fly fishing trips for salmon or steelhead w/over 30 yr.'s full time professional guide experience. • Phone #315 963 2065 E-mail: [email protected] • $275 for 1 angler Full Day Fly or Spin Fishing, Salmon or Steelhead, I supply everything but the chest waders. • $350 for 2 anglers • Guest Testimonial's: • Randy, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge to make our trip an unbelievable experience for us. With me having 8 to 9 hookups, and my friend Tim with somewhere between 5 to 6 that is more fish on in a single day than some people have for an entire season. I'm a true believer in that hot spot on Pucker Brush Creek :) • As a matter of fact Tim and I went back on our own the next day and the fish were there waiting for us just like you said they would be. Again we had a combined count of over 10 hookups and Tim had the hot hand that day with his 6 weight fly rod. Our only regret was that we did not have enough days left to explore some of the other high percentage areas you showed us as we had to go back to work sometime. • Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks?:) Tim and I have been coming up there for over 15 years, and yet we still learned a few valuable lessons from you, thanks again. I'm just sorry that the season is almost winding down, definitely want to get back up there for another trip. • I would highly recommend you to anyone, beginner or experienced steelheader, it's the combination of little things and techniques that make all the difference in the world. Feel free to pass on my contact information if you need any references for anglers, I would be more than happy to vouch for your professionalism, knowledge, and stream courtesy to fellow anglers anytime. • Thank You, Ted • Thanks for your many kind and generous words Ted! My head almost didn't fit thru the front door after that one :) Randy • Randy, • Every time I go fishing, the optimist in me says This might be the day. Athletes pray for days like this, hoping they play in the zone. I think fishermen do too. Surely, this is what keeps many of us thrashing the water with a piece of string. I can count on one hand the number of days when this has happened. Two of them have been with you. The first was two years ago today, Oct. 8, when I hooked 40 or 50 fish, including a 35 lb male king that now sits above my fireplace as an reminder of that one remarkable day of fishing. The other was last Friday. Not only did I land a pair of nice Kings, I also caught my first Cohos, a beautiful male brown and three fall run steelhead, my first grand slam on the Salmon River. All told, I had maybe 20 hookups, while my buddy Myles had almost as many and landed cohos, a brown and several steelhead. It wasn't as if this was a great day on the river. I saw many long faces and shaking heads as other anglers came up empty, lost lead and flies to the river bottom and called it quits by midday. The credit for my experience is all yours. I know there are many fishermen who can work the Salmon River and catch plenty of fish, especially when a run is on. I can do it on my own sometimes. But putting it all together when the fishing is slow as you did is a testimony to your skill, knowledge and hard work. Looking forward to my next trip with you and the chance to yell Fish On ! • Regards, Jim


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