>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=9KIYw5D3I5A
That feeling you get when you see a gentleman and your fingers just start to itch to give that same chap the best haircut he ever had in his life should be the driving force behind your barber career, after all, you started this profession to make cool sh*t right..? • That feeling is what we call inspiration and it's not only the lifeblood of every artist in the world, it's also the best feeling in the whole world, makes you burst with energy and ready to create a masterpiece... Now, we've always said that barbering is not as much about creativity as it is about craftmanship, perfecting the final product but that doesn't mean you can't use the techniques you mastered in that process to play with shape and texture... • • Inspiration is EVERYWHERE, some people may feel inspired every once in a while, some sometimes go nuts because of it. Personally, I find my inspiration in looking at other barbers' and hairdressers' work on social media and magazines but even more in music, movies, cartoons, comic books, artwork, photography, graphic novels, too much to mention... • The MOST inspiration tI find in working with other people though, the Scumcats at Schorem Haarsnijder En Barbier of course, the educators and all the students at The Old School, chewing the fat with the brain behind our (shirt) designs, Michiel Walrave, our absolutely brilliant stylist Geert-Jan Renzen, the people we meet travelling, the whole Reuzel Pomade team... • The biggest shout out inspiration wise though is Jelle Mollema, nothing beats a pow-wow between the two of us, the moment we sit down and start talking a waterfall of ideas comes out and within vife minutes we'll be taking about making videos about Scandinavian War Pigs, books about cocktails or forming a legendary glam-rock band dancing and singing their number one hit The Scumbag Boogie • This little movie is a great example, the haircut is inspired by eighties punk and a bit of the new wave of rock and psychobilly, there's a little GBH, but there's also a tiny bit of Stray Cats, a wiff of Johnny Rotten and of course Mr. Billy Idol... Also responsible, Henry Bowers, the bully from Stephen King's master piece IT and bad boy vampire David from the cult classic Lost Boys ... When Jelle and me were talking about the final edit he came up with the best song to go with this video: People are Strange a Doors song covered by Echo and the Bunnymen and it's just PERFECT... • Enjoy the cut, look at the little hidden reverse D.A. in the back following the natural inplant in the nape area creating a bit of a feathered mohican and the deep internal texture combined with the bleached lengths... • A HUGE, HUGE shout out to Maarten Reijgersberg and RauwCC for building the new screaming pig Reuzel Pomade leader, what an amazing job... • FOLLOW US • Want to know more about Schorem, our barber academy The Old School (www.theoldschoolbarberacademy.com) and it’s five courses (beginner advanced)? Visit www.schorembarbier.nl and you’ll get to know everything you want to know. Want to know more about the Lard of the Low Lands? Pay a visit to www.reuzelpomade.com to shop our wide variety of pomades and men's hair products. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram; it’s where we share a lot of photos and Stories about our shop and the scumbags who run it, you can find us at: @schorembarbier, @theoldschoolbarberacademy, @scumcuts_galore, @reuzel and @the_bloody_butcher; it’ll NOT dissapoint you. • CREDITS • Videography by Jelle Mollema Photography, @jelleinmyear on Instagram. • Music: People are Strange, Echo and the Bunnymen • Model: Fellow Barber Andrea Magri • Product: Reuzel Pomade Extreme Hold Matte Pomade • Hair: The Bloody Butcher • Scissors: Mizutani Scissors North America • Clippers: Wahl Professional USA • Wanna see more educational videos by some of the best barbers around the world..? Stream Project X (www.reuzelpomade.com/project-x) • #schorem #flattophaircut #pompadourhaircut