03CHyperventilation Cause of Muscle SpasmsCramps and Bronchospasm
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http://www.normalbreathing.com/causes... • Hyperventilation is the key cause of spasms and cramps in muscles and bronchospasm (bronchoconstriction). CO2 is a natural relaxant of smooth muscles and a natural bronchodilator. • Buteyko breathing and other methods are first aid techniques to increase reduced body oxygenation and solve these and many other health problems. • Tens of medical studies showed that low CO2 levels in body cells lead to spasm and cramps of muscles. In one research review paper, Physiological effects of hyperventilation Dr. Brown (Department of Physiology at the University of Kansas Medical Center, USA) analyzed more than 280 professional medical studies. He wrote, Studies that designed to determine the effects produced by hyperventilation on nerve and muscle have been consistent in their finding on increased irritability (Dr. Brown, 1953). • Leading Soviet physiologist Dr. Konstintin Buteyko suggested that low CO2 causes muscle spasms and cramps. He suggested to use the Buteyko breathing technique to slow down heavy breathing and increase CO2 and O2 levels in muscle cells and other cells. Buteyko breathing exercises can relieve most spasms and cramps in 1-2 minutes. • When we breathe more air, and this is the case with over 90% of modern people, muscles cells become spasmodic or irritated and abnormally sensitive and predisposed to spasms, cramps and twitching. • This also related to muscle spasm in airways. Bronchospasm (definition) or bronchoconstriction is usually defined as constriction of bronchi and bronchioles that is usually caused by low CO2 in airways since people with asthma, COPD, bronshitis, emphysema, and many other conditions breathe about 2-3 times more air than the norm. They have low CO2 in airways and hypocapnia causes bronchospasm. • Here is more information from NormalBreathing.com about bronchoconstriction and bronchospasm: http://www.normalbreathing.com/d/bron... • As many studies proved low levels of CO2 and O2 lead to overexcitement of nerve cells and involuntary contraction of muscle fibers (Macefield et al, 1991; Brown et al, 1953; Schwartz et al, 1993; Seyal et al, 1998, Sparing et al, 2007) that cause cramps including cramps of the leg muscles, and stomach. • As a result, overbreathing causes those effects in muscle and nerve cells that are directly responsible for cramping. For references visit web page Causes of Stomach, Foot and Leg Cramps Low O2 in Body Cells (see the link at the top of this post). • Note that there is an additional factor in appearance of cramps and spasms. It relates to electrical charge of the whole human body. During our evolution, except last few generations, we had a grounded lifestyle that provided body cells with electrons due to a negative potential of Earth. • However, during last decades, humans are insulated from Earth due to materials that are used to make our shoes and floors. Furthermore, wide use of synthetic fabrics leads to triboelectricity that causes accumulation of hundreds or thousands of volts (a positive charge) on the human body. Meanwhile, normal work of muscle and nerve cells is accomplished with a tiny electrical potential of only about 30-70 milli volts. Obviously, huge outer electrical fields do interfere with our tiny electromagnetic processes. • Therefore, grounding of the human body, as it has been proven by recent research studies, immediately normalizes numerous functions and processes in the body related to inflammation, pain, brain waves, hormonal profile, and many others. You can search online for Earthing and grounding the human body for practical solutions. Some of them include barefoot walking, grounding for sleep, and many others. • NormalBreathing.com is an education website that has hundreds of medical quotes and references; graphs and charts; tables; analysis of numerous respiratory techniques, Oxygen Remedy included; results of clinical trials; free breathing exercises, lifestyle modules; manuals and techniques; and other resources to increase cell and body oxygen levels and improve health. • More info about bronchodilators and natural bronchodilators: • http://www.normalbreathing.com/e/bron... • http://www.normalbreathing.com/CO2-na... • Here is a link to YouTube video about effects of hyperventilation and causes of spasms, cramps, and bronchospasm: • 03-C-Hyperventilation - Cause of Musc... • The URL of this video: • 03-C-Hyperventilation - Cause of Musc... . • This video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov.