How to Get Someone to Stop Talking to You
Having issues with pesky people? Don't you wish you could get that nuisance to JUST LEAVE YOU ALONE! Well, that is what this video is for! Here are a couple of ways to get rid of those annoying people ;) • Yet another skit with me and my younger brother Sam! Hopefully you can tell that we are just joking and that this is completely over exaggerating. • Thanks for Watching and Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more :) • Video Facts: • 1.) This was filmed last week, but I couldn't edit it until yesterday because I had to figure out how to clear space on my computer to be able to fit all of the video files. We messed up sooooo many times while filming, it resulted in hours of footage haha • 2.) The egg barf at 00:33 was a complete surprise for me. I told Sam that he needed to barf something up, so he went in the kitchen and put an egg in a cup while I was setting up the camera/light and he told me to close my eyes so I wouldn't know what it was until we were actually filming LOL • 3.) 1:06 I really do use the act really boring/bored technique all the time to discourage annoying people from talking to me lol • 4.) hopefully you get the joke at 3:02....if not, here it is: what's the best thing about 20 ONE year old boys • 5.) my cat at 3:41 haha I love him, he is such a good sport :) • 6.) the scene at 4:23 literally took us like 30 takes...we could not stop laughing lol