Can You Build On Wetlands
This video discusses wetlands and if it’s possible to build on a parcel where wetlands are identified. • Buffalo Modular Homes serves customers all over New York State and beyond! Some of our most popular build locations are Buffalo, Rochester, Ellicottville, Chautauqua, Lake George, Lake Placid, the Adirondacks, the Hudson Valley, the Catskills, and the Finger Lakes. To learn more about how we can assist you in building and customizing your very own luxury home, visit our website: • Connect with us on social media: • Facebook | / buffalomodularhomes • Instagram | / buffalomodularhomes • Twitter | / buffalomodular • LinkedIn | / buffalo-modular-homes • #ModularHomes #PrefabHouse #ManufacturedHomes #PrefabHomes #CustomHomes #ModularHouse #ModernHomes #HomeDesign #RealEstate #BuffaloModularHomes