10 Minutes Of KENNETH COPELAND JAW DROPPING Heresy John Lindell amp Bill Johnson ALLIANCE
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JAMES RIVER CHURCH is now Allied with BILL JOHNSON, who is BEST FRIENDS with KENNETH COPELAND. Is Pastor John Lindell from James River Church going to LOCK ARMS with ultimate heretic KENNETH COPELAND next??? • The JAMES RIVER CHURCH situation (that was internationally exposed by Mark Driscoll) is going to get worse before it gets better. It's actually a GOOD THING all these agents of Satan are being exposed in 2024 because JUDGMENT STARTS FIRST IN THE HOUSE OF GOD. Jesus said that my sheep know my voice and will NOT FOLLOW ANOTHER... • • My other videos about James River Church: • 1) Why I LEFT My MEGACHURCH...Most PASTORS Will HATE This MESSAGE: • • Why I Left My MEGACHURCH..Most PASTOR... • 2) Alex Magala / Mark Driscoll Lies: • • MARK DRISCOLL: Alex Magala Admits He'... • 3) Toes Regrowth Creative Miracle Lies and Cover Up: • • James River Church TOES HEALING Mirac... • • Original video credit: @GrantOlson-jo1fl • . • . • . • . • . • And while you're here, WATCH THIS VIDEO BELOW THATS BEEN BANNED BY YOUTUBE (I had to do something special to re-upload it): • • COVID-19 Vaccine EXPOSED! The TRUTH Y... • • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • 🏦MINISTRY SUPPORT: • If the Lord leads you to support this ministry and what God is doing through my ministry and reaching the lost for Christ, as well as making effective Christian topical videos, any support that you can give would go a long way for me to be able to stay and continue doing what God has called me to do. Please pray about donating any amount the Lord puts on your heart, either as a one-time donation or as a monthly supporter! • If you choose to donate, you can CLICK THE DIRECT LINK below. It will take you to the donation page for the ministry. Once you are there, make sure you select Slavic Missionary Budget in the drop-down box when choosing to whom to donate: • • ➡️ https://kingdomenterprises.churchcent... • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • benny hinn mike winger, mike winger benny hinn, benny hinn repentance, mike winger victims of benny hinn, benny hinn repents again, mike winger don't believe benny hinn, benny hinn is in full damage control mode, benny hinn is doing it again, mike winger talks with charisma, strang report, mark driscoll, male stripper, james river church, pastor John Lindell, Mark Driscoll kicked off stage, jezebel spirit, stronger mens conference, Bill Johnson, protestia, the blaze, Kingdom Enterprises, sword swallowing, america got talent, Britain Got talent, alex magala, james river church, grant olson, ex stripper, stripper Alex magala, orthodox christianity, alex magala America got talent • • alistair begg, alistair begg doubles down, bible, bible study, revealing truth, paul washer, justin peters, steven furtick, td jakes, joel osteen, satan, new age, heaven, hell, god, jesus christ, transgender, lesbian, transgender, lgbtq agenda, lgbtq, tucker carlson, elon musk, allie beth stuckey, whaddo you meme, isaiah saldivar, a and o productions, marc the messenger, voddie baucham, john macarthur, steven furtick, elevation church, kenneth copeland, tbn, cbn news, bethel church, hillsong, joel osteen, mike todd, ray comfort, living waters, wretched, Spencr Smith, melissa dougherty, apologia studios, frank turek, mike winger, troy brewer, michael knowles, saint avs, prophecy, troy brewer, good fight ministries, it is written, vlad savchuk, randy kay, jim staley, passion for truth ministries