Groundbreaking Science Boosts Immune System of FormulaFed Babies
Breast milk is the gold standard for infant nutrition—and as parents, we want to give our babies the very best. But the reality is that not every mom can breastfeed. • Today, groundbreaking science has brought the immune-nourishing benefits of a special ingredient to formula-fed babies for the first time. Similac® is the first and only infant formula with 2’-FL Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO), previously only found in breast milk, and has no artificial growth hormones. Similac with 2’-FL HMO supports babies’ developing immune system in the gut. Dr. Rachel Buck of Similac parent company Abbott Laboratories joins the show to discuss how HMO supports the immune systems of formula-fed babies to be more like breastfed babies. • Visit: • Like: / thebalancingactfans • Follow: / balancingacttv • #TheBalancingAct #BalancingAct • • 104748 • • Visit: • Like: / thebalancingactfans • Follow: / balancingacttv • #TheBalancingAct #BalancingAct • • 104748