ARIETTA ALLANTICA Giovanni Bracchi 19191987 By Rien


Arietta All'Antica means small, ancient aria. Old Fashioned Italian Organ music. And I love it! I have a brain and heart that longs to nostalgia. It makes me happy listening and playing it. And it makes me happy to spread the music from a forgotten Italian composer around the globe. It' a three partita piece. It feels Italian and especially the second part feels Venetian. For the once's who still know the in the eighties famous band Rondo Veneziano of which I have all CD's from, this piece could be one of theirs The gimmick at the end gave me a big smile. What it is? Just listen to it. :-) • The composer studied at the Conservatorio di Milano and worked as a composer/organist in the Basilica di S. Antonio Abate e S. Francesca Cabrini, in the city where he was born, Sant'Angelo Lodigiano. • Played with the 2010 Mascioni organ from the church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Alessandria, Italy • If you like my performance, please consider to buy me a coffee. I want to invest in a new 3 manual console. You can help me with that! :-) • If you like my Channel, and wish to support me in my musical journey, ánd be part of new ideas and initiatives, consider than to become a patreon. It will be a great honour to me.   / rienschalkwijk   • My website: • #organ #orgue #orgel #churchmusic #pipeorgan #classicalmusic #alessandria


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