Soccer 101 Fundamentals of Corner Kicks
While it is a basic part of soccer, a powerful, well-executed corner kick can be a critical part of a team’s attack. Let Pro Tips show you how. • To set up a corner kick, place the ball in the designated area known as the corner arc. This is marked by a quarter circle in the corner of the field, on the side where the ball went out of play. Play resumes once the ball has been moved out of that space. • Once is ball is set, you are ready for the kick. Take a few steps back, run up to the ball and place your plant foot next to it. As you strike, connect with the top of your kicking foot. • The placement of your body can affect your kick. By leaning back, the ball should get more air under it. Going over the ball could lead to a low-driven corner kick. • Discover more soccer tips today: • Shop Soccer Balls: • Shop Soccer Cleats: • Shop Soccer Apparel: