Toontown Panda3d Tutorial How to load Bam animations


Here's a quickie tutorial on how to open Panda3d anims in the Toontown Phase Files! • (If you haven't already, I HIGHLY suggest you go check out Flapjack's tutorial first, so that you'll have all of the components, such as Geany and Panda3d itself called Tuorial for Panda3d: Making a new World : •    • Tutorial for Panda3D: Making a new World  ) • So first off, you'll need to open up Geany, which is a program that can be used to open PD3D TT files. • You'll also need Python and Panda3d installed. • Also, I HIGHLY suggest that if you do have Panda3d installed, that you paste all of the Toontown Phase files into the Panda3d folder. It helps! • Once you open up Geany, then you're gonna have to make a new Project, and what you're going to want to do is click Save As which is in the File drop-down menu in the Top Left, then save the file as any random name you want, then put .py at the end. • EXAMPLE: • Putting .py will tell Geany that this is a Python based file, and Python is what Toontown pretty much uses. • Once you save it as a .py, then you're going to want to paste THIS code into it: • • from import Actor • from pandac.PandaModules import * • from direct.task import Task • import math • from math import pi, sin, cos • from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase • from direct.task import Task • from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence • from pandac.PandaModules import Point3 • from pandac.PandaModules import * • • import direct.directbase.DirectStart • from panda3d.core import CollisionTraverser,CollisionNode • from panda3d.core import CollisionHandlerQueue,CollisionRay • from panda3d.core import Filename,AmbientLight,DirectionalLight • from panda3d.core import PandaNode,NodePath,Camera,TextNode • from panda3d.core import Vec3,Vec4,BitMask32 • from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText • from import Actor • from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject • • Once you do that, you're probably also going to want to paste THIS code into it as well. This code is what's gonna help with the Animation Opening: • testActor = Actor ( phase_3.5/models/char/suitC-mod.bam ,{ walk : phase_3.5/models/char/suitC-walk.bam }) • testActor.reparentTo(render) • testActor.loop( walk ) • base.oobe() • run() • Now, you've basically got your code already set up, and if you happen to press Execute at the top of the screen, you'll probably get a fat Cog walking in place. • But, what if you DON'T want a fat Cog walking in place? • What if you want, let's say.. • Mickey Mouse running in place? • Whelp, lucky for you, you can actually change some parts of the code to your preference! • If you want Mickey Mouse running, all you have to do is change a few parts of the code, such as Phase_3.5/models/char/suitC-mod.bam • Since Mickey Mouse happens to be in Phase_3, you'd change phase_3.5 to phase_3 and since Mickey Mouse isn't a suit, you'd change suitC-mod.bam into either: • mickey-400 (low-poly mickey) • mickey-800 (medium-poly mickey) • or • mickey-1200 (highest and best looking mickey) • Also, you'd want to change SuitC-walk.bam into mickey-run.bam • Because Mickey's model and Mickey's animation are in the same folder and same phase. • So once you change it, it should probably look like this: • testActor = Actor ( phase_3/models/char/mickey-1200.bam ,{ run : phase_3/models/char/mickey-run.bam }) • testActor.reparentTo(render) • testActor.loop( run ) • And yes, you can also change ( walk ) into any name you want, and in this case, I named it ( run ) • However, if you change the name for ONE of the ( walk ) then you must make the other match, otherwise it will not work. • You can also change the name of testActor into anyActor you want. • however, you have to keep Actor at the end of it. • If you'd personally like to load something else that isn't a fat Cog or a Mickey Mouse, then try scrolling through the Phase Files, finding a model, then finding an animation that groups with the model. • I hope this helps anyone who has been wanting to know, and if this seems very confusing and poorly explained, or you have an error or any questions, do ask! • EDIT (7/12/2017): Please note that I have become a bit rusty on this subject, I can still attempt to answer questions though, as long as they are not too far out of my league.


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