Tortellini Caprese Skillet Dinner Recipe RadaCutlerycom
Delicious cheese filled Tortellini pasta with a homemade grape tomato, garlic and fresh basil sauce topped with fresh Mozzarella. It's as easy to make as it is delicious to eat. If you short on time or you just want to make a quick meal to impress, you will love this recipe. • Ingredients include: • 1 Pkg. Tortellini, cooked according to package directions • 3 cloves Garlic, chopped • 1 Pint Grape Tomatoes, halved • 1/4 c. Extra Virgin Olive Oil • 1/4 tsp. Red Pepper Flakes • 1 can crushed Tomatoes • 1/2 tsp.Oregano • 1/2 tsp. Salt • 1/2 tsp. Pepper • 1/2 C. Fresh Basil Leaves • 8 oz. Fresh Mozzarella • Rada Cutlery is manufactured in Waverly, Iowa. Rada Knives are 100% Made in the USA - materials and craftsmanship. Rada Mfg. Co. has sold over 142 million kitchen knives and utensils since our start in 1948. • Rada Cutlery kitchen products are available locally from Fundraising Groups and Independent Sellers or on the Rada Kitchen Store web site. Each year approximately 19,000 non-profit groups make 40% fundraising profit selling Rada Cutlery. • Go to to learn more about how your group can fund raise with Rada's kitchen product (knives, utensils, stoneware, cookbooks and quick mixes). • / radacutlery • / radacutlery • • • / radacutlery