Keke Wyatt quotKeke Timequot on quotRampB Divasquot
After Keke Wyatt expresses her desire to have another baby (this time a girl) during a standard trip to Walmart, husband Michael Ford is concerned about how ...
Keke Wyatt (Musical Artist), After, Keke, Wyatt, expresses, desire, have, another, baby, this, time, girl, during, standard, trip, Walmart, husband, Michael, Ford, concerned, about, how, will, affect, business, plans, decides, its, remind, her, what, IT'S, KEKE, TIME, clip, was, recently, featured, Joel, McHale, Joel McHale, his, show, The, Soup, R&B Divas, Wednesdays, 10/9c, only, TVone, own, nothing