Saves The Day quotRendezvousquot Official Lyric Video
Rendezvous is from Saves The Day's ninth studio album, 9, out now! • Download/stream: • Saves The Day is on tour this Fall, find tickets at • Video by Jason Link • Follow: • / savesthedayband • / savestheday • • Lyrics: • remember before the fall it was the summer before 900 parking lots 81 songs in a row our international tour coffee in Amsterdam walking the crescent moon castles in English sand rendezvous sidestage parlez-vous anglais get up and grab our guitars in basements and backyards singing together under the stars it’s such a beautiful world Life is beautiful sometimes it’s all too much but thank God that we’re not alone I look to you to my left you look to me to your right we look together to the future standing side by side put our hands up head down both eyes closed breathe in heart pounds and then we stop making sense walk off the stage in a trance perfect our English tans climb over barbed wire fence turn up the radio overnight to the next show locked on a bridge in Berlin back of a Mercedes-Benz rendezvous sidestage parlez-vous anglais get up and grab our guitars in basements and backyards singing together under the stars it’s such a beautiful world Life is beautiful sometimes it’s all too much but thank God that we’re not alone I look to you to my left you look to me to your right we look together to the future standing side by side put our hands up head down both eyes closed breathe in heart pounds after we walk off of the plane back at JFK climb in a stranger’s car cross a bridge halfway Statue of Liberty close enough to reach seems like a dream from a world that seems so far away remember English Birds and American Beer Newcastle a cappella blue green room was built out of mirrors two black umbrellas in the sun underground carrying two black guitars our echo swimming around rendezvous sidestage parlez-vous anglais get up and grab our guitars in basements and backyards singing together under the stars it’s such a beautiful world Life is beautiful sometimes it’s all too much but thank God that we’re not alone I look to you to my left you look to me to your right we look together to the future standing side by side it’s such a beautiful world so come on let’s go Life is beautiful wherever we wanna go sometimes it’s all too much climb in the back of a van but thank God that we have each other where all the world is a blur I look to you to my left you look to me to your right listen to “Video Games” and “Just Like Heaven” we look together to the future standing side by side rolling the windows down singing as loud as we can put our hands up head down both eyes closed breathe in heart pounds • #SavesTheDay #9