Philips Lighting UVC disinfection upper air
Discover the possibilities to disinfect the air with Philips Lighting disinfection upper air devices. • In rooms where people are present, upper air UV-C disinfection luminaires can be installed to continuously disinfect air. These systems are usually installed at a height of above 2,4 m. By making use of parabolic reflectors, and non-reflective lamellas, the UVGI can be concentrated in a zone. In this zone a high intensity UV-C is realized without having too high intensities below 2,0 m. Because of the presence of natural or mechanical ventilation in the room, the contaminated room-air will pass through the UV-C zone and thus will be disinfected. • Visit our LinkedIn page to discover more UV-C luminaires: / signifycompany • #Philips #Lighting #UVC #disinfection #upper #air #the #power #of #light